The biosphere Machine is machinery that diminishes waste while turning it to something as important as fuel: electricity. It is invented and developed by Dr. Christopher Mc Cormack, the Chairman of the board and Chief Executive Officer of Global Environmental Energy Corporation. The machine was intended to produce green electricity by means of tons and tons of garbage. See in your mind's eye a machine that has the capability to diminish the world’s waste at the same time is capable to generate another form of sustainable energy, what else could you ask for a piece of machinery.
Waste is a growing problem next to poverty in many countries. Philippines is one of the nations that is having a tremendous hazard towards waste problem. Air pollution, water pollution, government funds squander and land depletion are just some of the dilemmas that are being faced because of irresponsible management in waste.
In order to resolve the issue regarding waste management crisis, many have proposed resolutions but falls under a common denominator: band – aid solutions. I have come across something that answers all of the hazards above in solving waste problem, a mechanism called Biosphere Machine. Let us scrutinize the effects of waste problem to our environment for us to really know the threat that it conveys to mankind and how can the biosphere machine be cleverly to shrink all these roots.
Biosphere Machine: Solution to hazards from waste
1. Air pollution – Due to waste incineration to diminish waste, the carbon emission that it brings is directly absorbed by our surroundings that it extremely affects the air that we breathe in. Illness and climate change are just some of the after effects of these pollution by-products.
How Biosphere Machine can help: The Biosphere Machine uses an innovative form of technology called the biosphere technology, a form of green technology that is considered to be a breakthrough. The machine uses gasification process that is done in a limited oxygen environment therefore limiting atmospheric emission.
2. Water pollution – Because of improper waste management, people who aren’t educated that much in conserving our natural resources tends to just dump their garbage everywhere including every bodies of water. Because of the irresponsible waste throwing fish killing is spreading and so as the environmental destruction.
How Biosphere Machine can help: The biosphere machine is truly where your trash makes sense. There will no longer be waste floating the rivers because recyclable-no recyclable, all will not be shattered.
3. Squander Funds for landfill management - Millions of funds have been wasted due to transfer of garbage to another depot. Just like for example in Baguio City, one of the cities in the Philippines consumes five hundred thousand per day just to be able to hoard their waste to another landfill, what a waste of funds.
How Biosphere Machine can help: Millions of funds intended for more important projects can be saved for further vital purposes. There wouldn’t have to be a problem in transferring for hoarding waste because the machine will use all of the trash serving as fuel for its gasification process.
4. Land Depletion – another issue to be faced is the unstoppable deletion of land assets that are supposed to be intended for industrial infrastructures instead of just be futile for waste dam.
How Biosphere Machine can help: Destitution in looking for trash depot will just be a thing of the past. The vacant lands will be used for other more important infrastructures for further economic growth rather than be wasted to be used as landfills.
The TGEG and SBSC Biosphere Machine is set to be a breakthrough in technology whereas it offers both solutions to the growing waste problem along with the high disbursement of electricity. It doesn’t only confide in solving a single destitution which is waste but it will also alleviate the lives of people in producing something cheaper but of the same level as the other sustainable form of energy.
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