Embracing a Greener Lifestyle

Embracing green lifestyle is not that complicated, you can start over simple things. These are few of the things you can do to clinch green living in our very home.

• Don't get a paper phone book - Instead of getting a paper phone book. Use an online directory instead.

• Get rid of junk mail - There are many services that can help you get rid of junk mail. That will lead to a lot less trees being cut down to take up room in your mailbox.

• Recycle Glass - If you do not recycle this, it will take a million years to decompose.

• Stop paper bank statements - Why waste paper getting your bank statement mailed to you when you can just check it out online.

• Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep you cool and can increase your property value.

• Wrap Presents Creatively - Without going out to get wrapping paper you can use newspaper, an old map, or anything else. It would look a whole lot more creative.

• Pay your Bills Online - If every house in the US did this then we would save 18 million trees every year.

• Get a reusable bag - You can't recycle plastic bags; instead get yourself a reusable bag so that you won't have to worry about carrying your necessities.

• Use Both Sides of Paper - if you have a printer with a double sided print option use it. You will save half of the amount of paper you would have normally used.

• Use Matches instead of lighters - Lighters are usually considered disposable so they will most likely end up in landfills. You can use the cardboard matches which are much more eco-friendly because they are made of recycled material.

• Give things away - Take things that you are not going to wear or use and give it to a charity or someone who will use it.

By trying different alternatives to reduce your carbon footprint and help save the planet on through the simplest way you can, you are already inclined to Green Investment.


mikesac said...

recycling and going green are very important aspects of saving the earth...it is essential to do our bit.The electronic waste that happens all over the world is meaningless...if you have an old hone or computer why not donate than to throw in the dump?
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