TGEG at Trinoma

Graced with the presence of different Environmental Organizations, TGEG (True Green Energy Group), being one of the foremost environmental enthusiast companies, also attended the Trinoma event last April 23-25 for Earth Day Celebration.

TGEG (True Green Energy Group) Corporate President Ms. Chariza Lazaro together with the two Corporate President Assistant Miss Hazel Pmintuan and Luna Albofera attended the event at Trinoma to be a part of the celebration of the Earth Day 2010.

This celebration is for the Green Awareness Day and is graced by different companies that were in line in partaking “Save Earth” projects. Different companies and Non government organizations joined the said event as they dole out with one major cause, and it is to disseminate“Green Awareness” TGEG unites in conserving planet earth for the sake of upcoming generation.

As the mission and vision of TGEG incessantly shores up, the promotion of Clean and Green Energy is the entire way likely probable.


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