Developments on the newest Biosphere Gasification Facility in Pampanga, City of San Fernando

From the very beginning TGEG has always been inclined into promoting the Philosophy of Zero Waste. And to make it feasible, it has collaborated with many different cities not only here in the Philippines but also amongst other cities in other countries. With the help of SBSC (Spectrum Blue Steel Corporation), this viewpoint is already becoming visible.

TGEG in partnership with SBSC tied with the affirmation of government officials of different municipalities already started the building of the Biosphere Facilities in Brgy. Lara Dumpsite, City of San Fernando.

The best-designed sanitary landfill is of little value unless it is constructed and operated properly, so to make the project faultless, every person involve as regards with the progress of the New Biosphere Gasification Facility are doing their duties as clearly conferred to each and every single member.

From the Senior Engineer down to the Landfill Operations Support, the management is making sure that every employee at the landfill has certain responsibilities and obligations associated with their respective job. Employees also have certain assignments that must be understood as part of their position description making sure that the assignments and responsibilities of those who work in the landfills will follow what is safe to be able to operate a Class II waste landfill.

The Biosphere Technology indeed, will be the key in eliminating the waste problem of the city and in the long run, not only the city’s trash will be eradicated but the supply on electricity will also alleviate.


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