Ronald Flynn Welcomes Malacañang Delegates

Aiming for a zero waste nation, after being in joint ventures with different municipalities in the country, Ronald Flynn welcomes Malacañang Delegates last November 18, 2010. To grace with pleasure the presence of the emissaries from the palace, the SBSC and TGEG founder presented the companies undertaking in plateful to alleviation of the nation’s foremost problem which is waste.

Because the President of the Philippines cannot make it due to the APEC Summit held in Japan, his Excellency sent envoys in attendance of, Engr. Cezar Cruz and Mr. Kenneth Muyot. Arriving at around 11 in the morning the delegates from the palace together with the founder himself, Ronald Flynn and the SBSC – TGEG investors gathered at the Bertaphil Headquarters proceeding to the Phil excel offices before going to the Biosphere Facility Site Proper.

The purpose of the said visit is to show the Biosphere Facility Site in San Fernando City, Pampanga. It is to conquer a national change and implement the zero waste philosophy all over Philippines. Ronald Flynn is very much gratified that his companies’ main objective to solidify a proper waste management within every city of every country has been receiving the nod of different government officials here and abroad, and just recently in Goiania Brazil.

Ronald Shane Flynn’s Biosphere technology has been introduced by different municipalities in the Philippines that were having problems with their garbage depot. The project gained not only the support of different rule officials in different countries but as well as environmentalists and companies that focus on alleviating ecological conservation. The technology that Ronald Flynn offers is something that will not only diminish the worlds’ waste, but an incredible technology that produces green energy out of it.

Ronald Flynn and the team behind him is gratified to see that the government approves the result of their commitment and desire to implement something that will address both energy and environmental concern with an earth friendly technology. “Let our kind of technology cure our dying planet”, a phrase stated by Ronald Flynn as he delivers his speech to everyone who attended the said event.


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