Ronald Shane Flynn: We are all Caretakers of the Planet!

Ronald Shane Flynn, Founder of SBSC (Spectrum Blue Steel Corporation), a company that is licensed to produce, to deploy and to market biosphere machines in many countries including the Philippines. He is also the founder and Chief Executive Officer of TGEG (True Green Energy Group), a company that promotes world power and green technologies. We do not have to be scientists in order to determine incredible things to cure this planet; one does not have to be an elected public servant in order to do project for environmental conservation furthermore all you need is to have some care and show initiative in alleviating environmental dilemmas.

Ronald Shane Flynn, noted entrepreneur in the green energy industry aims to instill to every human being the importance of having a little concern for this earth. Ronald Flynn, provided not only lasting investment for people who would want a good and secure financial standing, he made it a point that what he would offer is something that makes sense both financially and environmentally.

Being the man with a big heart, he doesn’t only confide in his companies’ growth but he wants to see the development of people behind him, and in retaliation his team gives back what he confers; and that is through being united in their objectives as a corporation. The SBSC and TGEG Founder is aware that the earth is experiencing a fast speed climate change that doesn’t only affect human but also other creatures that resides. He very well knew that waste problem is also one of the detracting issues that every country faces, thus served as inspiration for him to continue what he aspires: a zero waste society.

Ronald Shane Flynn thought of an alternative way to diminish if not eliminate the world’s waste without harming the environment. And with the help of SBSC, and biosphere machines where it diminishes waste in a cost effective manner and produces green energy with zero harm to the atmosphere. It is applauded by different countries like Philippines, Brazil and Sweden, for it uses the process of gasification, not incineration.

Ronald Shane Flynn, an environmentalist, Philanthropist, businessman, and most of all a resident of planet earth, dreams to give back what earth has been giving him, and it is care; love for this planet. Since the day we were born, Mother Nature has given everything we needed, from the air that we breathe up to the sun that provides us heat, from the rain that showers our fields down to the oceans that provides us sea creatures. And in return, what do we do? We throw waste everywhere; gust up black smoke from factories, do illegal logging, dynamite fishing and other destructive activities.

Should we really wait for the moment that it cannot be restored anymore? Ronald Shane Flynn, being a man with a great vision aspires to do something to escalate the environment’s condition, for he firmly believes that each one of us are caretakers of this planet.


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