Here are few tips on how we can embrace green living in our very home and save your electric consumption while doing so:
• Buy Rechargeable Batteries - Even though it will take a green investment to buy these you will find yourself gaining it back in no time.
• Don't Rinse - Skip rinsing your plates before putting them into the dishwasher. In average you will save 15 gallons of water per load. Plus, you will save time.
• Turn the water off when you brush - Your parents have said this before, now I say it. You will save 4 gallons of water doing this alone.
• Shorten your shower - Every minute you cut from your shower is roughly 5 gallons of water, the less time your shower takes, the lower you’ll contribute to the impact on the environment.
• Don't get bottled water - Instead of bottled water get a reusable container to carry water. Also you can get a filter to make your home tap taste more like bottled water. It is definitely more cost efficient.
• Get rid of baths - Don't take baths, take showers. You will in average save about half the amount of water that you would if you were taking a bath.
• Change to Fluorescent Bulbs - If every house in the United States changed all of the light bulbs in their house that would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the streets.
• Use Warm or Cold Setting on Washer - instead of the hot cycle use the warm or cold setting. This will save a lot of energy a year.
• Turn off your lights - An easy one. Turn off your lights when you are not using them. The benefits are obvious.
• Turn off computers at night - don't just put them to sleep. You will save an average of 4 cents a day which adds up to $14.60 a year.
• Hang Outside to Dry - Get a clothes line or rack to dry your cloths. Your cloths will last longer and you will save money for not using your dryer.
• Turn Down your Thermostat - Every degree lower in the winter or higher in the summer you put it is a 10% decrease on your energy bill.
• Don't Pre-Heat the Oven - unless needed, just turn the oven on after you put the dish in it. Also, to see if it's finished just look through the glass instead of opening it.
• Walk or Ride Your Bike When you can - If you have to go somewhere close consider riding your bike or walking there instead of your car. It's better on the environment and healthier.
• Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for produce from china or any other country to come here. If you have the option to buy local, do it.
• Go to a car wash - Going to a car wash is a lot more water efficient then washing your car at home.
• Inflate your Tires - If your tires are inflated at all times your car will run more miles on less gas.
• Do Errands in Bulk - Make a list of the things you have to do, and see if you can fit a couple of those things together in one ride.
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