You do not have to go to earth day events just to participate on the upcoming earth day this April 22. You can show sympathy to mother earth by doing simple acts at the comfort of your very home.
These are few of the things you can do in order to involve yourself on the earth’s special day that will lead to carbon reduction:
1. Replace frequently used light bulbs with compact florescent bulbs - this will contribute to the reduction of your carbon footprint by 450 pounds per year.
2. Drive a fuel efficient car or use a public transportation vehicle - this will reduce your carbon footprint by 1 pound for every mile that you do not drive.
3. Get better gas mileage and keep your tires properly inflated, change your car’s air filter regularly, run your dishwasher only when it is full - by doing those things, it will reduce your carbon footprint for another 20 pounds for each gallon of gas saved.
4. Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up to two degrees on summer times, make sure that your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled - these simple acts will effectively reduce your carbon footprint by 2,000 pounds.
5. Replace dirty air conditioner filters as recommended or keep you’re your water heater insulated and the thermostat no higher than 120°F. Take shorter showers or use a low-flow shower head - 350 pounds a year will be reduced to your carbon footprint.
6. Use only cold water to wash your clothes- it reduce carbon footprint by 500 pounds a year.
7. Buy products that use less packaging and recycle paper, glass and plastic. Buy organic food because the chemicals used in modern agriculture pollute the water supply, and require energy to be produced - this will reduce your garbage by 10 % and you will reduce your carbon footprint for 1,200 pounds per year.
8. Weatherize and insulate your home, and consider double pane windows. Plant a tree because trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breath. Turn off what you’re not using and even unplug electronics you’re not using them. Buy energy efficient appliances - reduce your carbon footprint by thousands of pounds a year.
TGEG (True Green Energy Group) unites on the upcoming Earth Day 2010 by continuously promoting world power and green technologies globally.
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